[Ti] Pismo on X

Jesse Brown jesse.brown at mac.com
Fri May 23 12:54:31 PDT 2003

On 5/23/03 15:43, "Nathan Rugroden" <tipbg4 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I just recently purchased a powerbook g3 pismo (500mhz of course...) for my
> sister who is starting college this fall. She is going to be far from home
> (about 6-700 miles) so I chose the pismo for its durability factor, as
> opposed to a matching Powerbook G4 to mine. I want to upgrade it to jaguar
> to make it as user friendly as possibe (since I cant be right there to help
> her set it up on their network) My question is, does anyone know of any
> snags that i might run into while doing this? Or any possible problems that
> I should watch out for? Any help would be apreciated.

My wife uses a Pismo that I upgraded to 10.2.6. With 512 MB of Ram it runs
fine with no problems at all. Office X, IE 5 etc.etc

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