[Ti] Jumpy mouse pointer

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Mon May 26 09:26:05 PDT 2003

>It happens at seemingly random moments - I
>could be attempting to navigate to a choice on a submenu, or just moving
>from one spot to another, getting ready to click on a button, or dragging a
>selection marquee... Then boom, the pointer is completely somewhere else.

I had a similar problem when using my mouse on top of my Intuos 
tablet. Change the surface you are using the mouse on. The infrared 
reflects or refracts off of some surfaces including the "newer" 
mousepads with the slick surfaces. Try just putting a sheet of paper 
or carboard under the mouse. If that fixes it go for something more 
permanent like one of the cloth-covered mousepads or other 
non-reflective material.
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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