[Ti] Black Lines in Display

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Mon May 26 12:48:34 PDT 2003

Of course, yours would still be covered by the warranty, no?  Be 
thankful.  ;-)
As for the original poster, the out-of-warranty flat-rate price for ALL 
PowerBook repairs is $380.  This applies, unless the damage is from 
abuse, etc.  If you drop it, for example, it'll cost between $255 (for 
no parts) and $1240 (LCD and anything else) to repair, depending on 
what tier of parts they need.

Let me take this opportunity to promote AppleCare; the retail price is 
$350, Smalldog has it for $300, and there are discounts for education 
and such as well.  One repair, and you've saved money.  Plus you get 
phone support for 3 years instead of 90 days.  You might be able to get 
coverage cheaper somewhere else (like your insurance company), but I'd 
have to say there's a lot less hassle involved with AppleCare; they 
just fix it, no questions asked.  Well, unless you drop it on the 
pavement and it gets run over by a semi.  They might ask a few 
questions in that case.

AppleCare for PowerBooks is one of those things I recommend for 
everybody, much like backing up your computer.  It's optional for 
desktops IMHO, though it's also a lot less expensive.

Dale Gardner <drgardner at mac.com> writes:
> It's mechanical - my Ti867 did the same thing a few months ago and it 
> needed
> to be sent in for repairs.
> In fact, the same machine is back in for repairs as I write this - this
> time, the backlight went.
> This is a most disappointing trend.
> on 5/25/03 3:43 PM, Ron Owens at owensron at earthlink.net wrote:
>> The display on my TiBook 500 has suddenly started making crazy black 
>> lines and
>> the image jumps around.  The problem might be mechanical but I'm not 
>> sure yet.
>> Has anyone else had this happen?  If so, how much -- $$$ -- are we 
>> talking
>> about here, and how long to fix?

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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