Force 17" PowerBook keyboard backlight to full brightness

Benn joverkamp at
Wed May 28 10:44:11 PDT 2003

(Source: )
"Owners of the awesome 17" PowerBook would all agree the backlit 
keyboard is even more convenient than first thought.  But it does have 
a nasty quirk - as with the display's ability to self-adjust its 
brightness, the keyboard will likewise illuminate at a brightness based 
on room lighting.  The problem is if you're in a dimly lit room the 
backlight will only partially illuminate, causing the lettering light 
up grey - and grey text on grey keys is rather difficult to read.  Thus 
one is either constantly turning the brightness back up (since it will 
keep turning itself back down) or just turning it off entirely (at 
least the black lettering will be a little easier to read).
The solution is to force the backlight to be 100% whenever it's on - by 
making the minimum light level 100%.  Pop into /Users -> your_username 
-> Library -> Preferences, and open  
Change the value of kHWMin to 1 and you're done!  Be careful playing 
with the other settings though -- until I finally got this right, I was 
causing my backlight to either be stuck on permanently, not work at 
all, or (get this!) it was turning ON in the light and turning OFF in 
the dark!"


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