[Ti] [OT] Re: [Ti] Panther Firewire debacle

Jesse Proudman j.list at blueboxdev.com
Sat Nov 1 15:22:02 PST 2003

On Nov 1, 2003, at 3:16 PM, Tarik Bilgin wrote:

> Most software doesn't just "work", you have to learn to "work" with 
> it, but while businessmen were wrestling with the computer operators 
> who in turn wrestled with "mini computers", Apple in the 1980's 
> somehow got a reputation for building a Desktop Environment that just 
> "works", an "insanely great"  "computer for the rest of us"....

> So, a big thumbs up to Apple for creating the iMac,Powerbook G4, 
> Darwin project and OSX including Aqua, but a big thumbs down for not 
> yet producing a Finder that "just works".

I hear EVERYBODY complaining that the finder doesn't "work" but I've 
yet to see any one explain WHY it doesn't work.  I am thrilled with the 
finder in 10.3.  Sure, it's different than it used to be, but it is 
incredibly more convenient for me and my work flow.  I'm able to 
navigate to precisely the correct location to find my files, and the 
actual navigation is much faster than anything before.  I HATED the 
multi window setup of Mac OS 9 and I'm thrilled to have something as 
powerful as column view, especially when coupled with snap-open 

So my question to those who complain that the finder doesn't "work" is 
why?  What part about this software causes you so much headaches, and 
to you Tarik, what makes explorer.exe any better than the finder?  It's 
one thing to state that you don't like something, but it's an entirely 
different thing to state WHY you don't like something.

            Jesse Williams-Proudman
Blue Box Development :: Custom Web Solutions
      +1.206.778.8777 :: jesse at blueboxdev.com

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