Hi I currently have one of these 60 gig drives in my DVI 800 IC25T060ATCS05 That's one of the original 5400 rpm 60 gig Travelstars. I'm thinking of replacing it with the Travelstar 80GN drive which is 4200rpm I'm wondering if I should consider the 5400 80gig drive or whether it simply not worth the extra. My reason for upgrading is that I want to put this 60 drive in my OWC case to use as backups as I currently cannot back like I'd like with the older 40 gig drive. I travel a fair bit and so I've never wanted to go with a bigger form factor firewire drive solution. and I don't need to backup a lot of data. Does anybody know how well these 80gig drives compare to the Toshibas? Some vendors consider it an upgrade to go to the Toshibsa 8025gas for an additional $15. What does that buy you? Best price I've found for the 80 GN is $193 ... The 8025gas's are seen for less than that.