>Robert Ameeti paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly: > >> >On Wednesday, October 1, 2003, at 03:08 AM, Massimo Marino wrote: >>> >>>>People who lost ethernet or have battery drained I understand perfectly. Others - TransparentDock broken and dock misbehaving - a bit less. I do not think Apple will ever tests their updates against all possible OS-hacks nor should. >>> >>>The problem is, the transparent dock is NOT a hack. I don't hack my system and my dock is transparent. >> >>How is it not a hack? >> >>The dock is Apple's stuff. Transparent Dock messes with Apple's stuff with patches to the System. That is hacking with Apple's stuff. > >It's a 'hack', because a DEVELOPER, who pays money to Apple, to have access to the APIs and system code necessary to develop apps and little apps (utilities) for the Macintosh (which Jobs bragged in SF had "over 300,000 developers SUPPORTING the Macintosh platform), wrote an app that slightly changes the appearance of the GUI. Big deal. 'Taint a big deal until it breaks. And when it does, no one should look to Apple expecting them to care. When you mess with their stuff, all bets are off. >Photoshop is a 'hack', also. Otherwise jpegs would open in iPhoto, Preview, or nothing else. So what? Again, Apple can't have it both ways. They either reach out to developers, for support of the platform, as they have, or they don't. Sorry, but no. Apple gives the user a method by which to associate a file type, and also defines how a developer should alter an association. They do not provide any documentation as to how to alter the Dock. The Dock is theirs. If you want to write code to create your own transparent dock, go for it. -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Robert Ameeti mailto:robert at ameeti.net A person of genius should marry a person of character. Genius does not herd with genius. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>