tlanden at said: "Lesson learned ... I guess I will not perform any more upgrades!!!" Much earlier in the day Woz commented, " nobody waited a few hours to be safe?" This list is fertile ground for a fairy tale author. It's like "The Emperors New Clothes" of computers posts. Listers cut themselves on the bleeding edge of Mac operating systems, and I mean we seem to push each other out of the way to be the first to jump on the razors edge just as soon as it shows it's steel, then we bitch about falling on our sword. Then all the rest of us on this list have to listen to the horror stories over and over again like some form of OS X primal scream therapy. Hysterical. Ever hear this definition of insanity? Insanity is when you keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. LOL I agree with Woz, next time we should all wait a few hours to be safe. But did I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Beta Testers on the list for running the gauntlet. Better you than me, I guess.