A new PBG4 alBook I bought a couple of weeks ago had only a DVD with OSX and something like "Classic compatibility", which there was trouble with installing after I partitioned the HD and was doing a reinstall. You have to install OSX 1st, then the Classic stuff. Per Apple Tech Supp, it is not a bootable OS9 install, just a (full) Classic-in-X. After about 3 or 4 tries, it loaded without the kernel panics it was getting. IIRC, it was matter of doing the 1st part of the "Classic Compatibility" install, which loads a 1.7MB(?) installer, then running that--with DVD in-- rather than continuing with (or retrying) the DVD installer process. I forget now where the installer was (I'm at a public computer, don't have those notes), but a restart was done (due to the kernel panic) before using the installed further-installer. No special problems noted after, nor any reported by the user of that unit. I don't know how much Classic has been exercised. Do a search for a new file to find the further-installer on your HD. On Wed, 8 Oct 2003 RRSounds at aol.com wrote: . . . > Almost everything went OK eventually (OSX wouldn't install onto the laptop's drive without re-initializing it). > > But when we tried to add in OS9, the DVD would not allow it. The installer claimed that the disc was not the right one for my computer. > > Damned if my new pal Phil didn't try five different installation discs for various computers, none of which allowed me to put in OS9. We spent hours (admittedly, mostly moving my 40+ gigs of data back and forth), with no ultimate solution. > > I now recall this exact same problem with my own installation discs, when I tried to reinstall OS9 after initializing my drive right after I bought the Titanium. And I had to go to an Apple store to solve it before, but we couldn't find the 'magic' disc that would give me OS9. > > So, for the moment I have no OS9 and no Classic environment. Which is not a fatal situation, but inconvenient, as I do have need for a few older programs that I can't access. . . .