Thinking about ordering one of these for my PB G4 550, I figure I can use the current 20 gig in an external case, and if I decide to sell my PB, I can swap drives, selling the PB with the stock 20 gig. Specs: 60 GB 7200 rpm 5.5W max (from xlr8yourmac, supposedly this is on startup mainly), Read, Write, (Avg) 2.5W Seek 2.6W travelstar60GB_7200rpm.html#storytop I do work in Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, and want to be able to use VPC 5 w/out having to lug my external around anymore, hence the 60 GB drive. My puny (ha!) 20 GB drive is, well, not big enough, and I want to do a clean install of Panther - hence getting a new drive, starting with a clean slate, etc... Should I just go with a "cheaper" 5400 rpm, or will the 7200 rpm feel faster? I could go with an 80 gig, but don't mind up losing space for a faster drive. Thanks! John