Now that we all know how to get rid of unwanted SMTP servers, here is another problem. Every so often, the mail will not go through using my legitimate SMTP server and will offer to send it via I don't know how to get it to stop. Why can't it just say, there was a problem, mail will be put in outbox? I resent enough that is built into the system so tightly, thus seeming to want to force me into joining it at every twist and turn, but I am also getting sick of being asked to use it when I never added it to my list of smtp or when I have deleted it a zillion times. I think this has a ways to go before it is an acceptable mail program as good as OE or Emailer was. But since my work is dependent upon working with clients through email and then directly to what I am doing, it would be nice to have a reliable one like Emailer was when I am coding on this machine. Otherwise it's back to Emailer on OS 9 and to heck with seeing PHP render, I'll just have to keep Fetch open and do it that way.