[Ti] Mail.app use or abuse?

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Tue Sep 2 11:56:21 PDT 2003

>I would like separate times for mail pick up, just like Emailer. If 
>they could basically reproduce the flexibility of Emailer, I would 
>be happy. I can't see why they can't since they still own Emailer 
>and won't release the code, most likely because it is the only older 
>app that picks up AOL mail.
>I would be willing to give that function up, if they could just 
>restore some of the flexibility of Emailer, which is pure text only 
>(.html is rendered as attachments) and is all I need.

This may be why you are getting SMTP timeouts; by checking all of 
your mail connections at the same time, if one or more mail servers 
has a delay, then it times out, perhaps causing a chain reaction... 
though this is just a WAG.

The flexibility of Eudora's personalities is another feature that 
IMHO is a requirement for a power mail app.
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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