Here is part of the explanation I finally got from Comcast: "Q: Why am I getting an error message saying that I'm connecting too frequently? A: Our mail server has limitations to manage the amount of e-mail that is transmitted through it. This is done as a means to stop Spam and other unwanted messages. The error message you are receiving indicates that you are connecting to send e-mail through our server an excessive number of times. Normal email message transactions utilizing software such as Outlook Express only require one connection at a time to send any of the mail in the Outbox. The limitations were created with this in mind and should not affect any normal customer e-mail usage. If you would like to discuss your need to connect more frequently to the mail servers, please contact our Network Abuse department at: Abuse at Q: What are the specific message and connection limitations on the SMTP server? A: We are not addressing the specific numbers, rather the impact that unusually heavy message traffic can have on our service as a whole. Furthermore, traffic of this magnitude is usually indicative of "Spam", a mass-mailing virus, or other such unwanted e-mail." -end- Again I say, bullwhacky. But seriously, what it is about that is not letting the "connection" pick up everything like this does? I am currently writing this from the "road" on a blueberry iBook, dialed up with Earthlink, and using OE on OS 9.2.2. I am picking up Comcast email and several other accounts too. Other than this is over a phone line, this never hiccups and in fact works much faster for mail than at home on X on my G4 machines. What is different about that is making Comcast think I am a spammer? It is quite ironic since of all persons, I hate spammers probably more than anyone and go to great lengths to avoid it. I think spammers are despicable.