Hi, I have a Rev A TiBook, 500MHz, 512Meg RAM. It has served me very well over the last 30 months, and has taken the proverbial beating. Best laptop ever! But in the last two months the display has broken very badly. I get a bizarre pattern of narrow vertical lines or some strange "starburst" patterns on the screen. This makes the machine unusable in "portable" mode, although I am able to use the machine perfectly well if I connect an external monitor (thus proving it's the display and/or cable, rather than the display board). It used to be an intermittent fault, but now I whenever I turn on the machine, the display shows these symptoms. Anyone know if this is easy to repair, if so, how much, and is it worth it (no Applecare/warranty left)? Thanks, Geoff -- Geoff Hopson Objectology Ltd. http://www.objectology.co.uk/