By the way; if you search for the serial number you listed below, you won't find anything. The leading S must be something that MacMall put on the beginning to identify it as a serial number. Your actual serial starts with QT. For anybody that's curious, here's how to read a serial number from Apple; The first two characters are the factory code (such as QT, XA, XB, UV, V7, etc.). The next character is a number, and it's the last digit in the year. On yours, that's a 1; so it was manufactured in 2001. The next two numbers are the week in the year; in your case, the 10th week. The next number is the day of the week; I'm not sure quite how to decipher it (ie which number stands for which day), however. After that, there are two alphanumeric characters indicating the specific computer in the group it was manufactured with, followed by a 3-character code (ie JF8) indicating the production line or something like that. Just in case you're curious. ;-) Kynan Shook kynan at "Dr. Trevor J. Hutley" <HUTLEY at> writes: > Lisbeth - I just retrieved the Serial Number of my Ti-500 from > MacMall in California: > > sqt11030djf8 SQT11030DJF8