On 9/13/03 11:07 PM, "John Griffin" <jwegriffin at mac.com> wrote: > Back when Apple opened up the Music Store I predicted that Apple Records > would launch a law suit against Apple Computer. A previous lawsuit by Apple > Records had been dismissed. > > Well folks, I was right! A lawsuit is pending as I type. And let's face it, > this time Apple Records has a case and could easily win on merits alone. I > really don't think Apple's legal-team-on-steroids is going to have their way > this time. > > If Apple Records wins, it could possibly mean the end of the Apple Music > Store. > > jg > Actually, and I could be wrong, but I believe there have been two other suits by Apple Corps (not Apple Records)...one for the name in the 1980's and then another one over music passing through speakers in the 1990's. Both were won by Apple Corps, the second at a cost of 50million I believe. It is suggested that it is a matter of interpretation on this one. A settlement will more than likely be worked out I believe. Cheers