Fri, Sep 19, 2003 11:58 PM cbirds at cbirds said: >Is anyone else getting a sudden onslaught of virii from .nl, and what >looks to be a mock up of Microsoft virus fix newsletter of some sort? >It's obvious these have faked return addresses but I see in the headers >that some have come from .nl, adelphia, comcast, and mindspring >(earthlink) > >It's on this address only.....getting sick of deleting them. Yes, every day I get the types of messages you describe, but not from .nl. Related to this virus problem was an article this week in the Wall Street Journal that roughly said: the threat of malicious viruses/worms that takes advantage of some vulnerability where no patch yet exists has some businesses exploring the possibility of using diverse operating systems. Among the alternative OSes mentioned were the Mac, Sun's and Lindows. 4000 "viruses and other forms of malicious code" have been launched against Windows so far in '03 and none against the Mac since 2001 and only 11 aganist Unix this year. "Day-zero" refers to zero days of warning.