[Ti] Sudden Spate of Viruses

cbirds cbirds at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 20 08:51:34 PDT 2003

On Saturday, September 20, 2003, at 10:19  AM, Mark O'Brien wrote:

> I've been getting a lot of them for the past 2 or 3 days. At one point
> yesterday it was several per hour. Entourage's junk mail filter has 
> been
> catching them all, but I still have to look at the junk and delete it. 
> They
> all seem to have .exe or .com attachments.

Yes it was yesterday, which surprised me since I hadn't gotten one for 
a while, at least not since SoBig hit.
The ones with the full-color MS mailer (phony) looks like someone went 
to great lengths to prepare to look like legit updates...

My niece just started college at Colby-Sawyer and the only reason she 
was allowed to hook up her computer in the dorm was because Dad had 
bought her a new DELL --------- all other machines on campus were wiped 
out and being restored thanks to the SoBig.
I read their website which said they "standardized" on Windows (ugh) 
except for the graphics arts lab where they use G3s and G4s....

When will ANYONE ever learn?
PInella's County Fla is having a big fight right now too to keep Macs 
in schools there.

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