[Ti] Undeletable trash

Chris Olson chris at astcomm.net
Sun Sep 21 09:44:55 PDT 2003

On Sunday, September 21, 2003, at 11:19 AM, b wrote:
> Bullshit.
> All a new unix user needs to do is type an rm -r and have a <space> 
> typo between the '/' (folder symbol) and the name of the folder, and 
> what do you think happens?
> Wanna try it?
> For anyone who is interested, I'll tell you what happens: Your drive 
> gets deleted on the fucking spot. I'm no fan of FUD (Fear Uncertainty 
> & Doubt), but why tell someone that Unix commands can't really 
> backfire when someone isn't well-versed, or at least a fucking precise 
> typist.

Notice my instructions:
"Try opening the terminal, cd to where the folder is, do 'ls -la' to 
see who owns it and what it's permissions are, change them if necessary 
using 'sudo chown' or 'sudo chmod', then delete it with rm -r 

Notice I said cd to the directory where the problem folder is.  This 
eliminates typing any paths.  And '/' is not the folder symbol.  It's 
the designation for the root of the filesystem, and used as a separator 
in the filesystem hierarchy.

I've been administering Unix systems for 24 years, and I have better 
things to do than read the self righteous trash quoted above on a 
public forum.

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