I took a quick look at the 3 alBooks recently at an Apple Store, side by side on a solid corian display surface. Picking each up by its near left corner (ie left of the trackpad) to compare heft and 1-hand portability with screen open. The heft and torque was as you'd expect for the 3 sizes. I was also interested in heat: the 12" was noticeably warm tho not hot, the 15" lukewarm above ambient temperature, the 17" was at ambient temp. All had been running at least the 30 minutes I'd been there, none doing anything specially intensive as far as I know. (I have bought a 15", for a user for whom the mentioned factors are important and who found the 14" iceBook preferable to the 12" iceBook. I may buy a 12" for myself, but I like my 12" translucent plastic iceBook so much I look for reasons not to--so far, the heat is the main question (other than the cost, of course, and raw bootability in OS9 which I support).)