Desktop Icons & Fan Questions

Forrest Hill fhill at
Thu Apr 1 21:38:56 PST 2004

Two questions:

I have an OSX+OS9 Titanium PB 1GB.  I use OSX 10.2.8.  The fan runs
virtually all the time, even when I am only reading emails or doing
wordprocessing.  Though it is relatively quiet, the constant fan noise is
disturbing.  If I update to OSX 10.3, will the update possibly reduce the
fan frequency?

Also, regarding OSX 10.3, I notice that the desktop icons, when highlighted,
show a large, square halo.  I think it distracts from the clean, elegant
lines of the OSX desktop icons.  Is there any way to turn off those
unsightly halos, or are they there permanently and for a purpose?

F. Hill

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