TiBook won't shut up: SOLVED

Bill White billwhite at mac.com
Tue Apr 6 12:43:32 PDT 2004

The noise is gone! Finally.

I noticed that when I logged out and had to type my password to log back in,
the "boop"ing noise wasn't there, but as soon as I was logged in it would
start. I have 15 things set as Startup Items in the Accounts pref pane, so I
began disabling them, and discovered that disabling KeystrokeRecorder X
stopped the sounds; its plist file was damaged and trashing it solved the
constant typing noise. Ahhh!

For those who aren't familiar with KeystrokeRecorder X, check it out at
http://www.campsoftware.com/ksr.htm. It's not cheap, but I've used it for
years and it's saved me many headaches, getting unsaved text back after
unexpected crashes.

Thanks very much for all the input I got on this problem! I greatly
appreciate the help.


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