[Ti] Router reset

Christoph Hammann chammann at mac.com
Tue Apr 13 06:00:39 PDT 2004

Am 13.04.2004 um 13:35 schrieb Sambouka:

> I have an HP router that I do not have the address of nor the 
> password. Is there a way to figure out what the router is or reset the 
> configurations?

Ok, first question:
Plug it into a hub (*not* a switch) and  plug another computer into the 
hub,too. This one should be configured to get it's IP via DHCP. We'll 
hope here that the router is configured to distribute client IP 
adresses this way. Run Ethereal from the client computer. Read.

Second question:
Your best bet is to look up the manual online and do a rest to factory 
settings. In fact, if you do this first, the procedure above should not 
be neccessary.

How did you get a router without the settings or a manual?


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