It is not so much the mountings getting loose, but on some hard surfaces the whole powerbook will hum noticeably. If I put my hand on it the noise/hum will go away. I assume the elstomeric properties of the "rubber" grommets that hold the drive in place are not up to the task of damping the natural frequencies of the 7,200 rpm drive, whereas they work fine for 4,200 and 5,400 rpm drives. I'm pondering what additional or altered damping I could put in, but so far have done nothing. I can live with the noise but ymmv. robin On 23/04/2004, at 4:26 AM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List wrote: > Message-Id: <p06020400bcadaa6ad557@[]> > Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:05:43 -0400 > From: Malcolm Hamilton <malcolm_hamilton at> > Subject: Re: faster int. hd question > > Thank you to all who've weighed in on the faster internal hd > question. It seems that some of you think the 7200RPM drive does > indeed make a discernible speed difference; others aren't so sure the > difference is enough to justify the extra expense. > I might have gone for it nonetheless, but Robin's warning, about the > extra speed causing the drive mountings to loosen, has scared me. > Robin - is this the kind of thing you can fix yourself, by opening up > the back and tightening the mountings? > Thanks everyone, > Malcolm