I have the blistered chipped paint on the outer bezel. I like the dark brown/black underneath and have thought of taking all the light silver paint off and having a nice smooth service, though I don't know there is a clean way to do this. Also, do to a nice job I think the entire machine would have to come apart, and while I don't mind to much taking laptops apart, (I'm about to replace the TI's hard drive again - luckily the replacement I'm replacing had two week left on the warranty) I don't know about taking the TI down to a unattached bezel it I even knew how to safely remove the paint. But then again, I replaced the hinge/screen from in my wife's iBook, which meant taking it down to the mother board and lots of pieces (there was little left on that could be taken off without a soldering iron) so maybe... But that reminds me, time to shut down and pull the drive out. -- Roger