Thanks, this seems exactly what is wrong. I used a plastic tool that is a mold of a dental probe and gently tried to 're-hook' the right hand side and hope it works for now as I'm off to the state capitol to take 3 hours of notes! If it doesn't work I will bring it down to MacEdge in Nashua NH on Monday and have copied them on this problem (I called in a panic last night) Perhaps they can give me a spare part they might have lying around or rehook it permanently. - Jane > Maybe you have what happened to my Ti-500 about 3y ago. The retaining > lug on the inside of the space bar broke, and so the spring mechanism > did not work properly, meaning that at one end of the space bar it > worked (=gave a space), at the other end, it did not. I got a new > space bar for $12 from a supplier of keyboard keys > All recorded in the Ti archive..... >