[Ti] 10.3.7 and Preview application...[OT]

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Thu Dec 16 19:04:32 PST 2004

On Dec 16, 2004, at 8:37 PM, David Brostoff wrote:

> You're right--it's the same time and date as my OS upgrade (yesterday 
> at 7:16 PM).
> Thanks for pointing this out (I had mistakenly been following the OP's 
> lead in getting Info on the Preview file itself.)

Well, the deal is, that's an application bundle.  Many times the whole 
bundle doesn't get replaced in an update, only core parts of it.  The 
reason everybody has differing dates on their app bundles is because 
that was the date the whole bundle was actually written to disk.  And 
that's not going to change because Finder looks at application bundles 
as a single file, when it's really not - it's a directory that contains 
the executables and resources for the application.

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