[Ti] wireless routers/hubs?

Lee Wilmeth lw at wilmeth.net
Mon Feb 9 14:59:07 PST 2004

I just installed a linksys WRT54G and like the way it's working so far. 
I've use SMC, D-Link, Airport Base Station, and Airlink. All seem to 
work fine. All but the ABS use a web interface to configure. All can 
use WEP, most can now use WPA, and all that I have used can do MAC 
address limitations. Which is the method I use for authentication. As a 
plus, the Linksys has a number of folks working on upgrading the 
Firmware. http://www.sveasoft.com has a much expanded Firmware for the 
WRT54G that even includes bandwidth limits. Nice if you want to share 
your access point, but don't want to give up all your speed.

On Feb 9, 2004, at 12:18 PM, Snoke Jay S NPRI wrote:

>  What are the best recommendations this list can provide regarding the 
> available wireless hubs/routers out there for home use?  I have used 
> an  Apple Base Station before, but at a minimum of $200 US, it is a 
> bit pricey... I'm looking for ease of setup, being able to shut out 
> others in my apartment complex from using my wireless, etc...
> thanks in advance...

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