Le mardi, 10 fév 2004, à 12:05 US/Pacific, Dave Morrison a écrit : >> You didn't by chance flash >> the firmware so that you could burn DVD's at 2X? > > No, but I've seen the site you are referring to. I'm not even wanting > to make the drive "Region-free"....couldn't care less about that. All > I want is the same functionality as a cheap boombox. I'm buying a lot > of these hybrid discs and I can't use them unless I take Steve > Martin's advice and rip another CD from the Redbook layer. I agree > Steve, "Fair Use" if I've EVER seen it! Still a pain the butt, though. > I've had a similar problem on my new 15" Powerbook with the Kill Bill Vol. 1 soundtrack CD. It plays on my ancient Powermac 7300 and my cheap portable CD player but gets spit out without even an error (I've checked the logs) on my Powerbook. Strangely enough, my Ayre D-1x high-end DVD player has the same spitting reaction. Now this particular CD is an enhanced CD. The enhanced part (which is just an extra data session) doesn't show up on the PM 7300, however. I tried another copy of that CD and got the exact same problems. Ciao, Renaud