[Ti] AI G4 PB Question - Right angle connectors

Sherman Gregory sherman at qualcomm.com
Tue Feb 17 10:16:37 PST 2004

I agree, I hate the connectors out the sides, but that did make room 
for a much petter hinge than the Ti had.  With the Ti, I had a much 
neater set up on my desk.

I would also need a right angle DVI, which would be tricky.  In my 
set up I have DVI, FW,USB, and Ethernet all coming out the right, and 
power on the left.  Takes up a lot of room with cables.

I am not a fan of docking stations, but I think that would be better 
than the cables out the side.  maybe some sort of a mini dock for 
each side would be good.


At 10:54 AM -0500 2/17/04, Jesse Brown wrote:
>One of the highly annoying things about the new style powerbooks is the
>location of all the connectors to the sides. This leaves a crapload of stuff
>sticking out the sides none of which contributes to the ergononmics of this
>machine. Sigh, for every advance it seems we take a step back in another
>area. Love the AI non-painted surfaces and keyboard layout - hate the side
>mounted connectors.
>Does anyone have any sources for right angle connectors for FW, USB, AC
>Adapter or ethernet cables? At least right angled connectors would help
>Madson only makes 45 watt adapters which are not recommended for AI PBs.
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