I just upgraded the second of my 2 Ti-books to Panther, 10.3.2, and tried doing a file transfer to a G4 MDD 1.25. I was shocked to see it crawling along at 10 base-T speeds, as if I was on my old Centris. My macs are connected to the hi-speed dsl and each other thru a G-net 10/100 switch and a linksys 10/100 router (switched too). Under Jaguar, I could do a 3 gig file transfer in about 3 or 4 minutes between the 2 machines. I tried checking the network settings and discovered a new (new to me) menu for selecting the ethernet speeds. It was set to auto. I tried changing it to 100TX full-duplex, and it was working, at least on the net. I soon forgot about the slow machine to machine file transfer. The next day, at work (I work at a Mac Reseller in Toronto), I was getting no connection on the ethernet port, but i could connect via airport. The tech guy in the back tried to troubleshoot for me, and promptly told me I needed a new motherboard (he told me that before, regarding my other Ti-book, which after being opened up, and having the cpu reseated works fine to this day). On the net I have found reference to Panther not communicating properly with certain routers, and that you can fix that problem with some router settings, but those settings only seem to be found on mega-buck corporate hardware. When I got back to the home office, I could not connect there either, and was about to resign myself to trying to find a USB-ethernet adapter that works with OSX. BTW, hardware test passed the logicboard.... Later, on a hunch I set the Ti-book to communicate at 10 baseT-UTP, and I can now connect to the net again, but file transfer will be verrrrrry slow. The automatic setting does not connect at all, nor does 100bt. This setting also affects connectivity when booted into OS9.2.2, so these setting must be stored in PRam or something. Can anyone suggest how I might get the Ti-book back to its once glorious ethernet speed? Did Apple put out another ethernet lemon as they did in 10.2.8?????