At 09:41 -0800 3/1/04, supershanefx wrote: >So whats the easiest way to convert all my VHS tapes to DVD? I have access >to an external dvd burner and a vcr. But how do I connect them to my >titanium? And do I need to burn the dvd in a certain way to play like a >regular dvd? (I have TOAST 6 also). I have not done this yet, but plan to soon. I shall use phono plugs from the VCR to my "eyeTV" A/V input, from where I can record directly on to my hard drive. There is then an option in the eyeTV software to do basic editing, and then save as DVD. Burning the resulting file to DVD is a few more clicks. You need at least 5Gb of free space on your drive. HTH Trevor