Sounds a bit like the classic joke, "Doctor it hurts every time I do this... the doctor says, then don't do that." The PowerBook is probably sensing something has been removed from the computer (it's why USB is plug and play -- constantly sensing), even in sleep, so it probably wakes because of that, and then goes back to sleep after a set period of time (maybe according to the inactivity time set in the control panel). The solution is probably to never unplug anything while the book is in sleep mode. Just my lil' hypothesis. - JFL _____________________ on 1/17/04 3:11 AM, Robert Nicholson at robert at wrote: > If you have your screen saver come on when awaking from sleep what > happens when you shut your machine down like this. > > plug in a usb device > > sleep the machine by closing the screen > > unplug the usb device > > does your machine go back to sleep if so when? > > I can count 20 seconds and not see the sleep light go on.