I feel the need to share my latest applecare experience. Last Friday my powerbook G4's (DVI 800) display started to freak out. Looked like some kind of bad video effect, horizontal lines and such. It eventually turned to pure white. I called applecare and explained my problem. Told them that I hooked the book up to an external monitor and the machine functions perfectly. The woman told me she would send out a dispatch right away. I told her that the screen also had one white spot and the case pushes in right above the the combo drive. The empty boxed arrived on Monday morning. Apple does not pay for Saturday shipping via Airborne Express. Shipped the powerbook off to apple Monday night. Cut to: Wednesday morning, my IT guy comes into my edit room with a box from apple. New screen and new upper case. and to top it off they replace the two rubber "feet" that were missing from the bottom. Quite impressive since I failed to mention that to the women who took my call. Bravo! Conclusion: Always buy applecare with any portable. Well worth it's price and they do have an impressive turnaround. ---------------------------------- Chris Reinhart Video Editor creinhart at creativebubble.com Creative Bubble 79 5th Ave - 14th Floor New York, NY 10003 (212) 201-4200 (212) 201-4210 (fax) (516) 369-7096 (Mobile) www.creativebubble.com