[Ti] Late model Titaniums

Justin R. Miller incanus at codesorcery.net
Wed Jul 7 12:16:54 PDT 2004

On Jul 7, 2004, at 3:01 PM, Alarik W. Skarstrom wrote:

> I am thinking about buying a late model Titanium PowerBook. By late, I 
> mean after it acquired the Level 3 cache. There were, I gather from 
> the reviews, many improvements over the earlier models (in terms of 
> screen quality, bus speed, etc.).
> My question is this, well, two really: Aside from its hinges, does the 
> later Titanium have any other Achilles' heels?

I have a 667Mhz DVI model that I've had just under two years.  My only 
real gripes are:

1.  keyboard marks on the screen - I had a leather sheet for a while 
but now I don't need it so much
2.  fingerprints showing up on the case
3.  slight case wear and tear - i.e. latch button is worn/scratched, 
slight case scratches and nicks

Aside from the obvious technical shortfalls compared to newer models 
(like internal Bluetooth and SuperDrive), performance-wise I love the 
machine.  I expect to keep it for some years to come.  I like the 
connections being in the back, out of sight, and I love the thin case 
and light weight.  I never had the paint  bubbling problem and the case 
looks great considering the amount of carried it around.

Justin R. Miller
incanus at codesorcery.net
PGP key at http://codesorcery.net/pubkey.html

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