[Ti] weird energy issues

Justin R. Miller incanus at codesorcery.net
Tue Jun 8 19:08:42 PDT 2004

On Jun 8, 2004, at 9:34 PM, Justin R. Miller wrote:

>> The other issue just started up last night, perhaps triggered by the 
>> latest security update (though I doubt it based on it's package 
>> contents).  This morning when I went to fetch the sleeping computer, 
>> it was powered off.  I had to turn it back on, and obviously all my 
>> open programs were shut down with it (fortunately no open work).  
>> Then, I put it to sleep and after getting to work, it was again 
>> powered off.
> I have some more on this problem if it helps anyone.  I've noticed 
> that the machine continues to power off from sleep whenever the cord 
> is not plugged in.  It absolutely will not wake unless the cord is 
> then plugged back in, even though the battery is full.  Also, I get a 
> notice upon logging in that my date and time have been reset, and I 
> have to set them from 1969.

I have finally tracked this down to the battery in some way... it seems 
that despite having a full charge and getting about 2 hours of life off 
of the battery as of yesterday, the system is just not recognizing the 
battery today.  The menu bar icon notices the battery and reports its 
charge, but unplugging the AC while running powers down the machine and 
trying to start the computer without AC is a no go.  This would explain 
why shortly after sleep, the computer dies -- it's using that 2-3 
minutes you get to swap batteries and then it's just dying since it 
can't see the battery at all.

Anyone know why this might have started all of a sudden?

Justin R. Miller
incanus at codesorcery.net
PGP key at http://codesorcery.net/pubkey.html

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