At 2:44 PM +0400 6/12/04, Sambouka wrote: >I know it is possible to send sms via iChat, I never knew that, so this was useful information. Thanks for opening up this new option. >however, I was never successful in doing so. I >am not sure if it only works in the states. I >tried sending it to my cell phone (in Dubai) so what exactly did you do ? > and was unable to receive anything. hence your conclusion that it is a USA-only feature. > provides a tip on how to send >sms through address book via iChat. That also >didnt work with me. Sam - I found this link: Is this what you are referring to? It was not clear to me, from this link, HOW to actually send the sms. If it was clear, I would be able to test it out for you. Perhaps Luke could also test, if we knew what to do. Perhaps you could tell us a little more. >Has anyone been successful in sending sms >through iChat outside the US? if not, does >anyone know of any software that allows me to >send sms through my mac? If through a feew exchanges and tests we end up that all of us with Powerbooks/iChat can send sms, that wold indeed be good progress. I USED to be able to send SMS through my mobile phonevia BlueTooth using the Address Book, but since my Address Book "died" I have lost this capability....... regards, Trevor