iChat and 10.3.3

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley hutley at geneva-link.ch
Fri Mar 19 11:20:35 PST 2004

Is this another update needed or a stability issue ?

Now that I have installed 10.3.3, I am unable to launch iChat (no 
Version shown, dated 12 August 2003) anymore.  After one bounce in 
the Dock, I get the Crash Report, the contents of which are appended.

It seems to be looking for someone....!

I have made no known changes to iChat for several weeks.

How is iChat for everyone else who made the upgrade ?

Can anyone throw any light on the basis for this Crash?

regards,  Trevor

	OS Version:     10.3.3 (Build 7F44)
	Report Version: 2

	Command: iChat
	Version: ??? (???)
	PID:     514
	Thread:  Unknown

	Link (dyld) error:

Undefined symbols:
undefined reference to _kNotificationAddedPerson expected to be 
defined in InstantMessage

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