On May 3, 2004, at 10:44 PM, cheshirekat wrote: > When I bought my new PowerBook, the first words > from the "expert" was "Why didn't you get a REAL computer? Nobody uses > an > Apple for REAL work." A few days later, we were sitting at the back of > a > very large auditorium listening to a speaker from a government agency > in > Washington D.C. The moment I saw the glowing Apple logo from the back > of > the laptop just set up for the presentation, I was going to say > something, but decided to keep quiet until a break in the presentation. That just about sums up the difference between mac users and the anti-mac. They always want to throw in your face how bad your machine is, insult it, etc, but when they've shown otherwise, we quietly smile to ourselves, just as we did when they insulted it. I guess there are certainly mac users who are very vocal and outwards bashing on PCs, but I think the majority know they have the goods, and don't need to put anyone else down. We're also the same people who jump at the opportunity to help others with their computer problems, maybe even explain how easy it is to do it on out own machine. And isn't that a more effective way of convincing someone the mac is great? And once again I'm rambling, and maybe I'm alone on this one.... Benn