[Ti] New 1.5ghz Powerbook up and running

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Fri May 7 08:08:03 PDT 2004

Here is another observation about the new Powerbooks: Never grasp the center
of the lid when you are opening the Powerbook from sleep. It is almost
impossible to avoid pushing in the latch that sticks out of the slot at the
front. When you do this the Powerbook quickly goes back to sleep. Then when
you release it again it comes awake. It does a flash on and off effect that
can be very disconcerting.

Another observation is that the cooling seems much more efficient then other
Powerbooks. I have all the performance options on this beast and I have yet
to hear the fans come on. The case gets uniformly warm to the touch without
any identifiable hot spots. I guess the design allows for heat to be
directed to the outside surface of the case and lets it spread and dissipate
into the air. Nice touch.


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