OK, now that I have run Temperature Monitor for about an hour, I find that after a rather large download the temperature stays at around 105° to 107°F. However, even with my ear resting on the top, I can't hear any sign of a fan in operation. Also the case top and bottom feel quite cool to the touch. Not bad at all! Even with my hearing handicap, I could hear the fan on my 1ghz Titanium Powerbook kick in fairly frequently. Now here is another thing I have noticed; and I would like to hear from other 800FW Powerbook owners about this. I have found that the best thing to do is to boot normally (lid down as I have an external monitor and keyboard), then raise the lid once I have reached the login window. Why, because I get a much better airport reception this way. At least 10% better. Anybody else find this to be the case? jg