At 2:22 PM -0700 on 04/05/22, Kent Harris wrote: >Since you guys use Mac's... > >Do NOT browse the internet with your Macintosh, there is a HUGE >security hole!... Let's not over-react here; there is, as yet, a _potential_ problem - there has been no info yet that it's been exploited and used top cause any damage - and certainly no reason to panic. For the best info yet on it, check <> Do install Apple's 5/24 security update and do install "Paranoid Android" and do watch which URIs it then warns you about; some might be valid, but if you don't recognize it, skip it. Yes, it's serious, but no, it's not the end of the world. - Marc (BTW: From the opening of the message I'm replying to, it sounds awfully like the other, gleeful "See! I told you Macs were no better than Windows!" messages currently circulating - based on incomplete and inaccurate info. Ah well...)