Hmmm, I used to use floppies a lot in early and mid-90's, mostly window$ but Mac too, and with good quality brandname disks (3.5in) I saw less than 1% bad regardless of time since info put on them. And I've TA'd courses taken by thoughtless undergrads who abused their floppies, and saw very few bad disks. A couple of years ago, still doing some window$, when I needed floppies I used some few year old no-brand ones which came with like network driver installers on them, from sealed plastic bags, and found no bad ones in a couple of dozen. On Mon, 24 May 2004, Roger Snyder wrote: . . . > On 5/24/04 13:44, "John Griffin" wrote: > > > I have a pile of work that I did > > in the '80's and '90's on 800k disks in MacWrite Pro and PageMaker 4 format. . . . > My experience with making floppies (having made many back-ups before I > moved on to other means) was that in a set of disks, even if you checked > them right after backing up, 1-2% would be bad within the week, some more > within months, and at least 5-20% if kept for six months. > > I'd expect floppies from the 80's would be mostly bad by now. (The 3 1/2 > seem to last somewhat better than the older 5 1/4.)