[Ti] How to remove OS9

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Fri May 28 18:17:33 PDT 2004

Dennis Fazio typed this message on 5/27/04 11:52 AM:

> I believe that is not possible since there is either hardware or firmware
> missing or such a task would require knowledge or information about the
> system that is not available outside of Apple. I think Apple did what was
> necessary to make sure OS 9 has no chance of survival into the future.

OK, I understand this. However, if they can make Windows boot on recent
macs, why not create a virtual environment for OS 9 to boot? For that matter
if you want to tie this in to time past, you can find Apple ][ emulators
that run on present macs.

So tell me, why has OS 9 on some kind of hit list?

You would think someone could come up with a way around the blocks that
Apple is trying to throw up.


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