[Ti] .DS_Store (was....need root help)

b fl1pper at earthlink.net
Mon May 31 11:22:46 PDT 2004

Tom R. no spam paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly:

>FWIW, IIRC the .DS_Store files--maybe among other things they
>do--hold info equivalent to OS9 resource fork info.  Without
>doing any experiments to check, I've had the impression they
>are used by Classic.  Whether they are recreated by the OS
>when needed if previously deleted, I don't know.

I doubt very much that a unix-based system would let a secondary OS 
install any kind of file system-wide. In order to even access a file, 
let alone change it, (a 'folder' is actually a 'file' listing other 
files), OS 9 has to be booted into, and OS X has to be unloaded.

That's why the eaisiest way to temporarily rid the system of 
.DS_Store files is to just use sherlock, or Command-F, in OS 9 and 
then drag the list to the Trash, within OS 9.

A new copy of each file will be created as soon as its directory 
(listing) is accessed, anyway.

Most problems that tempt one to remove files on a mass scale are 
usually more easily solved by trashing Finder prefs, WindowManager 
prefs, system and systemuiserver prefs,


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