[Ti] apop and Panther Mail.app

Lisbeth Zachs zachs at swedenmail.com
Sun Oct 3 22:01:30 PDT 2004

2004-10-04 kl. 02.30 skrev Justin R.Miller:

> Next course of action would be to write postmaster@<isp> and ask them 
> directly if they're advertising APOP but not actually implementing it.
But wasn't the original issue the other way around? Mail.app tried to 
use APOP against the home ISP and the hotel ISP couldn't help with that 

Mac2 wrote originally:
"going through wayport ISP services in a hotel to get back to her home 
ISP.  The ISP said that her mail program was trying to authenticate via 
apop, which they don't support.

Lisbeth in Gothenburg
<http://homepage.mac.com/holisticum/> updat 040712
<http://www.got-a-mac.org> medlemssida för Got-a-Mac (Mug in Gothenburg)

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