[Ti] [OT] humor from slashdot

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Thu Oct 14 07:40:30 PDT 2004

I would be very surprised if the editors of MacMinute would be taken in by
such a ruse. I am sure they verified that such a program exists before
publishing the article.


Chris Olson typed this message on 10/14/04 12:41 AM:

> CherryOS is vaporware.  It did manage to bring attention to a little
> known streaming media company in Hawaii, however.  Pretty smart using
> the Power Of Slashdot to get attention.
> It's illegal to use such a thing unless Apple changes the license for
> Mac OS X to allow it to run on non-Apple branded hardware.  Any
> developer (or scammer) capable of using PearPC to fake a bunch of
> screenshots should know that.  They'd also experience the wrath of
> Apple's legal team if it was real.

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