[Ti] Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Tue Sep 21 15:31:40 PDT 2004

On Sep 21, 2004, at 4:55 PM, b wrote:

> I just ordered a Matias for home, but am curious about the apple 
> bluetooth keyboard. Is yours the newer/est one, that appears (in 
> pictures) to be mounted at a tilt on a frame of some type? I just saw 
> the box for it, and it looked like a 0-degree typing surface (flat, or 
> level) might be impossible (from the picture)... is that actually the 
> case?

If you've ever seen an Apple Pro keyboard, that's exactly what it's 
like.  It has a little flip out plastic stand on the underside to tilt 
the keyboard towards you a little.  Ergonomically, it's the same as the 
USB Apple Pro.

Frankly, Apple's desktop keyboards could use some improvement for heavy 
users.  I use one about a year and the pilots under the most-used keys 
start getting worn to the point where they get sticky.  IMHO, they 
should put some type of scissors assy under the keys like the PowerBook 
keyboards have to keep the key straight on the pilot.

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