[Ti] PB and iPod Headphone Recomendations needed

Erik Gaderlund gaderson at mac.com
Fri Apr 8 19:04:34 PDT 2005

At 08:45 PM -0400 04/08/05, DinkyBlah at aol.com wrote:
>Hi list,
>what do you guys suggest for headphones that can both be used with pb to
>watch dvd's and also used
>with ipod that aren't earbuds?
>would really prefer an over the ear headphone as recently saw these two on
>Sennheiser HD-280 headphones for $80
>Sennheiser HD595 Dynamic Stereo Headphones for $139.99
>anyone used these before or have other suggestions for headphones?

Well, the problem is that the Sennheisers are high impedance 
headphones, so you'll need to turn up the volume a lot, and 
consequently wear down the batteries faster.  Also, the 595s are 
'open-air' headphones so they won't have much isolation.  But, the 
280s are closed, and they are well regarded.  One place to buy and 
research is: http://www.headphone.com, or a great forum is 
http://www.head-fi.org.  The best sounding direct from an iPod or 
portable are the Grados, the SR60 can be found for $60-70 bucks. 
But, they are also 'open-air' and they're not nearly as comfortable 
as the Senns.

erik g

Actually the best are the Etymotic ER-6i s that dealmac recently 
mentioned (the ER-4 models are the best, but they are in the price 
range of the HD595s), but, they are in ear phones.  They're great for 
long plane rides, great isolation, and their impedance is specially 
matched to the iPod (I got a pair for my roommate after he was always 
using my ER-4Ss).

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