[Ti] Re: PowerBooks with Intel processors - not on topic!

Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu
Tue Dec 6 19:19:47 PST 2005

I disagree.  Some of us (myself included) are on digest mode.  That  
means that we get one message every day from the list (or more, if  
there is high traffic, as this Intel business always seems to  
generate) with all the posts mashed together.  Adding something to  
the subject line is worthless.  How about we just keep on-topic?   

"Titanium G4 is a place to discuss the issues that relate to buying,  
using, maintaining, and troubleshooting Apple's Titanium G4 PowerBook."

Users on the list have, as far as I'm aware, never objected to  
discussion including the Aluminum models, which are largely the same  
as the Ti.  However, seeing as how there is a lot of disagreement  
about whether Intel discussion should be allowed, I think the only  
reasonable solution is to use the strict definition from the website,  
and consider it off-topic, and never appropriate for this list.

People who think otherwise should go find another list (or set up  
their own) where the discussion is appropriate.  I'm sick of all the  
silly fighting.  It's worse than the two year olds I babysat last  

That's all I have to say on the topic.  Well thought-out replies are  
welcome; people who disagree are asked to forward their thoughts to / 
dev/null/.  :-p

Lists <lists at tntluoma.com> writes:
> On Dec 6, 2005, at 10:04 AM, Peter Krug wrote:
>> Please add the [OT] to these posts so my kill filter will
>> function.  They have nothing to do with using, maintaining or
>> troubleshooting powerbooks.  I figured you guys would be done with
>> this topic by now.  Silly me.
> That seems like a reasonable compromise which would be a way for us
> all to coexist in some semblance of  peace.  Those who want the
> information can get it, those who don't can easily ignore it.
> If "[OT]" it deemed offensive because Chris and a others who feel
> this is on-topic, perhaps "[INTEL] would be another alternative.
> All I ask is that you use SOMETHING that will make it easy to filter
> them, out of consideration for the others on the list.

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